Sunday, December 5, 2010

Garage Addition Idea

There are many garage addition ideas to consider when contemplating building a garage addition. Building a garage addition is one of the best investments you can make in your home. A garage addition not only provides sheltered parking for your automobiles, but also storage space for many other items. Some garage addition ideas and plans can even provide additional living space in the garage attic area. If you are planning to build a garage, I have a number of excellent garage addition ideas that you may want to consider when designing your garage addition plans.

Garage Addition Idea 1 – Think Big!

Think big when developing your garage addition plans.  

This is more of an edict than a garage addition idea, as it is my number one recommendation. In my opinion a garage can never be big enough. Let’s face it, who uses a garage for just storing cars? 
Heck in many cases it is used for storing items that can’t fit in the house, rather than for storing cars. When coming up with your garage addition design, spec out a garage addition size that will support all of its intended uses.  For most folks, the garage addition should be large enough to support the following:

At a minimum your garage addition should be 24”x24” for a 2 car garage. A 26”x26” is even better for supporting all of the space requirements suggested above.
Garage Addition Idea 2 - Use an Engineered Beam

The second major garage addition idea to consider, is using an engineered beam for the center beam to prevent the need for Lally support columns. Your cars doors will love you for implementing this garage addition idea. Having to position your car strategically in the garage to prevent your car doors from hitting Lally columns can be a real nuisance.

Garage Addition Idea 3 – Utility Door

One advantage of building a large garage addition is the fact that there is sufficient wall space to support a utility door, such as a standard 32” or 36” wide door. Including a utility door is one of the best garage addition ideas you can consider. A utility door is extremely helpful during the winter months to limit heat loss from the home by not having to open the large garage doors to do something besides drive a car out.

Garage Addition Idea 4 – Insulate and Sheetrock Interior Walls

If your budget will allow it, my next garage addition idea is to insulate and sheetrock the interior walls. Your garage addition will look much more appealing and keep the rest of your home a little warmer, particularly if the garage attic space is planned to be finished living space.
Garage Addition Idea 5 – Use of Garage Storage Cabinets and Racks

One of the most important garage addition ideas to consider is integrating garage storage cabinets and racks into your garage addition plans. I have walked into many garages to find them littered with items lying all over the floor because there are no garage cabinets or racks mounted on the walls and ceilings. Using garage storage cabinets and racks will provide for a much neater looking garage, as well as allow you to store more items.

 Garage Addition Idea 6 – Use Individual Bay Garage Doors
If you are planning a two car garage addition, skip the one large garage door opening concept. This type of garage door opening requires a large garage door that is heavy and awkward to lift.  It also makes it difficult for parking two cars in the garage. Spend the money and build a garage that can support individual garage door bays.
Garage Addition Idea 7 – Install Garage Door Openers

Garage door openers are a must have. Not only do they save you time, they also prevent you from getting soaked or frozen by having to step out of your car during rainy and bitter cold winter days.
 Garage Addition Idea 8 – Build Stairs to your Garage Attic or Loft
 Even if your garage addition does not call for a finished garage attic, building stairs to your garage attic is an excellent garage addition idea. Having a set of stairs allows you to easily utilize the garage attic space for storing items.
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 Garage Addition Idea 9 – Heating Your Garage
 If you plan to have a workshop in your garage, and anticipate using it during the winter months, heating your garage is another fabulous garage addition idea. You may even want to consider radiant floor heating for your garage.  
 Garage Addition Idea 10 – Install Many Overhead Lights  
Another brilliant garage addition idea is to install many overhead lights, whether it be can overhead lights, or fluorescent track lights. If you have any plans to work in your garage you can never have enough lights.

By implementing these 10 excellent garage addition ideas, you will much more likely build a garage addition that meets all of your intended and unintended garage goals.

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