Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Prayer room planing

Muslim Prayer room
Prayer  room are essential every parson because no parson in the word is unreligious. So prayer room is important for all the man. Muslim prayer room is important for muslim parson ,about muslim prayer say some thing Hejazi Abdus-Salaam Sometime in 1999, a construction
As an corporate exectuive, with a substantial investment in our Bangkok factories for the past 7 years, I have alwaysbeen confortable with the beautiful culture & people of Thailand. I have found some of the kindest , spiritual sensitive, people on my many trips to Bangkok. On October 4th I was departing from the new airport and retiring in the executive lounge downstairs prior to my flight. I noticed a sign that said, "Muslim Prayer Room". I thought how interesting, they even show respect to all faiths. I want to see the Budist, Jewish, Christen, Bahia, and what other interesting faiths are honored here. To myself and my associates surprise, there is only a Muslim Prayer Room. I felt the same feeling as my associates did almost at the same time that something is wrong here. After talking to several travelers from all points of the world, everyone had the same feeling that they are unconfortable with this display of prejudice. Everyone asked the same question, Are the Thai people afraid of the Muslins? Appers so, by the mere singled out use of a Muslin Prayer room at an International Airport. Some of the travelers were so upset they are rethinking traveling back to Thailand. Myself and my industry group as a whole, we are going to address this issue here in the US and rethink our investments in Thailand, specifically, Bangkok. I am sadden that no one was sensative enough to stop this show of prejudice.

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